Electricity PDF Imprimir E-mail
Escrito por Elisa Calvo Villanueva   
Martes, 10 de Mayo de 2016 10:53


Electricity is the flow or movement of electrons.

The basics that we manage and know are:

  • Voltage. It is also called potential difference, and is the force or energy that drives electrons through a circuit. Its unit of measurement is the volt (V).

  • Current. Is the number of electrons passing a point of a circuit in a given time. Its unit of measurement is the ampere (A). It is a large unit and sub-multiples are often used as milliamps.

  • Resistance. It is anything that opposes the passage of electric current. Its unit is the ohm (Ω). It is very small and KΩ or MΩ are often used.

Making circuits:

• Associations in series:  It is said that some elements are in series when installed followed one after another.

• Associations in parallel:  It is said that several elements are arranged in parallel when placed one below the other. It is essential to have attachment points.

• Mixed associations are those that have elements in series and in parallel within the same circuit.

Solving circuits:

• The basic law of electricity and electronics (Ohm's law) that is always true.

V = I · R

What to do when we have more than one component on the circuit:

  • Voltages in series. They always add up.

  • Resistors in series. They always add, without RT = R1 + R2 + R3 + ...

  • Resistors in parallel. Using Ohm's law is found that   1 / RT = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2 + 1 / R3 + ...

Using symbols in circuits:

In circuits, to represent the elements, not drawn with their actual appearance, but certain symbols are used:

symbols def

symbols def 2

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